Monday, January 7, 2013

Students' Successful Journey Of Conquering Test Anxiety

By Toms Sousa Lima

What Is Test Anxiety?Test anxiety is the experience of feeling anxious, distracted, upset and overwhelmed in anticipation of an exam and the results that might occur. Just like most other types of anxiety, test anxiety stems from a panic type feeling that usually centers on the future and results from how you've chosen to think and focus over time.

What Are Bad Anxiety Habits?Most people only think of bad habits as having to do only with small actions that we either do or don't do. Not brushing our teeth daily etc... Mental habits however are the thoughts that we continue to focus on over time. Just like a physical muscle, our brain is also plastic and malleable. Our habitual neuron signals are like sleds that follow the exact same snow tracks over and over. Pretty soon those sleds cling naturally to the same pathway, coasting fast with difficulty taking changing route.

Bad Habit #1 indulging in what if thinking.what if thinking consists of thoughts like "What if I don't pass the exam?.. What if I can't study well today?..What if I get a lot of questions wrong etc." Sometimes these thoughts are mostly subconscious.To cure this problem and avoid "negative what if thinking," begin to talk to yourself inside your head and coach yourself using "positive what if thinking". Ask yourself, "What if I was able to study well today? What if I found a way to work hard? What if I got my act together despite my stress?."Then speak to yourself and say "I can do this!.. I will do this!.. I am doing this!" This starts the "turn around!" The power of this talk cannot be underestimated!

Bad Habit #2 Mind Bouncing.This means you're focusing on multiple things instead of staying focused on one thing for a single period of time. Bouncing around to different subject matter happens when you are panicking. It's like an increase of ADHD juice overwhelms you.To cure this tendency, you have to stop looking at the outcome as a whole. Section off your test in portions. Realize success comes from laying one brick at a time, even in tight scenarios. If you have a lot of study material, commit 20 minutes to one single section. After that session is over, reward yourself for not focusing elsewhere. Breaking material down is the key to cure mind bouncing!

When we haven't ate, slept, had enough nutrition or drank enough water while stressed, our body will tense up. We then tend to hold our body in positions that only cause additional fatigue and panic, prohibiting us from focusing properly.To cure this, change your physiology to a peak state! You will feel the difference! When the body changes, the mind follows! Speak and move with power to turn around your state. Go for a brief walk, hold your shoulders back, focus your eyes like you would if you were in your perfect, crystal clear studying zone! Holding this physiology for 10 minutes will make a huge difference!Eliminating these three habits is a great starting place for you to begin to cure testing panic.road to adulthood. But unlike other tests, this one requires you to perform like a trained monkey in front of a complete stranger while they critique your performance. It's enough to give anybody a bad case of nerves!

What if you could turn anxiety on its ear, pass your driving test and come out smiling on the other side? Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants? It's actually easier than you think.Here's the top 10 ways to jettison your driving test anxiety and ace the test like an old pro,Acknowledge your anxiety: First up, it's OK if you're anxious about the driving test. Lots of people feel this way. Stop trying to not be anxious and just admit to yourself that you ARE. You need to remove your denial before you can find any solutions.

Study, study, study: It's not like the driving test is a pop quiz. You KNOW it's coming, so prepare for it. Your school, local DMV or Driver's Ed has lots of preparation materials. Use them! You should study for at least 3 weeks before your exam. Don't wait until the last minute and cram. It's better to study a little (15 minutes) every day, 5 days a week. You'll retain the information better and go in feeling better prepared.

Take a mock driver's test: Taking the test BEFORE you take the test is great way to get over your fear of it. And you can take the practice test as many times as you want.Give yourself positive feedback: Tell yourself things like, "You can do this. You're going to do great." It may feel corny, but affirming self-talk actually makes it more likely you'll succeed. Remember to be nice to yourself.

Assume that you'll be successful: How many millions of people have passed the driving test? Right. The odds are in your favour. You still need to prepare, but if Joe Schmoe can take the test and pass, so can you. Picture yourself passing. Do it several times before the test starts.

Give yourself plenty of time: Get there early on test day. Don't rush around. Stay calm, focused, and go at a reasonable pace.Loosen up your body: Stretch or exercise before the test if at all possible. Keep your body loose and easy.Reward yourself beforehand: Reward yourself for passing the test - BEFORE you take it! Give yourself a little treat like your favourite food, a movie, new earrings, etc. Don't worry... you can reward yourself again after the test too!

Schedule it for first thing: Try to schedule your driving test first thing in the morning. That way you won't be dreading it all day. If you can't take it in the morning, stay busy with other things before the test to get your mind off it. Don't let yourself obsess.It's OK if you fail: Imagine, what's the worst that could happen if you do fail? You'd have to take it again, but with one real test under your belt as practice. Try to look at failure as an opportunity instead of a disaster. An earthquake is a disaster. Failing your driving test is an annoyance.Use the tips above and you will pass your driver's test with a minimum of driving test anxiety. Giving yourself adequate preparation time is the most crucial. Everything else is really just to help you relax. So prepare, relax, and you'll do great. You've got everything it takes. Just go in there and do it!

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