Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Want To Be Rich Is Easy Said Than Done

By Lan Thomas

All human beings aspire to become rich at some point in their lives. Why I want to be rich is a question that people answer differently due to the human natures different aspirations. Becoming rich is perceived as the solution to all human problems but it fails to address the modalities of eradicating these problems.

Riches are relative and depend on personal needs which vary from one individual to the other These can be translated in terms of monetary possessions or the general contentment and fulfillment in life. There is no measure of how one is rich y looking at possessions alone; a peaceful life can translate to being rich also.

In most cases than not, riches come with value in them and many people tend to think that riches come from money. The value associated with riches is what many describe as having the resources that you can convert to get products or services at will or when and where you want them. Richness can be used in different contexts which result from individual interpretations of what money makes the feel and do.

Money is not the solution to the many problems human beings encounter in life but a way of reducing them. There are rich people with more problems that the poorest of all. Acquisition of disposal resources without money is one way of being rich. When these resources are well utilized, they can translate to riches. Education for example can be termed as riches when used positively to touch other people's lives in the society.

A good bank balance is a simple way of saying one has the resources to tackle part of their life problems. You can have all the money in the world and fail to have peace of mind because if the products you aspire to exchange your money for are not available, you join the ranks of the poor. Lack of flexibility and convenience that money should provide means you are not rich. Riches are all about comfort and peace of mind and once these are achieved, security and happiness set in resulting in contentment which in itself is being rich spiritually.

Riches are all about fame, success and respect. It does not mean that all rich people are respected, famous and successful though; riches do make and break individuals. Setting the right goals and achieving them is one way of being rich. The way the human mind functions determines whether one is rich or not. From childhood, every human being works towards becoming rich and they cannot explain what they measure being rich against.

You can become rich saving and spending wisely the little you have and people will take you as being rich. You can on the other hand gamble over night and become rich and the following day you gamble and lose and that is being rich albeit shortly. The reason why I want to be rich is different from others but if your life and that of your spouse and children is manageable, then you are rich and happy.

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