Friday, March 23, 2018

The Supreme Being Is More Than Human Imagination

By Pamela Gray

Many people believe in a creative God. However, they may think this Deity a concept rather than a person. Christians not only think of the supreme being as a person, they believe that they can know Him personally. They believe that He has revealed Himself to mankind through His written word and through His son, Jesus.

Millions believe that there are many paths to the afterlife. Others think that this life down here is the only one we will ever know. Lots of people believe that their 'good deeds' will get them to a happy place after they die. Christians believe that, even though they are not worthy of an eternally secure place in heaven, they can have life everlasting with a holy God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

The Bible tells us that this is the case, however. God revealed Himself to the descendants of Adam by His creation. Man could know the nature of the Lord by observing what He had made. God also revealed Himself through the person and life of Jesus. Those who don't believe in this may still feel gratitude to something or someone for the world and the universe around them.

This belief system allows people to form their own view of God and their own morality. They may truly feel that mankind cannot know God and that every person's opinion has merit. They may also take this view because they do not want to be bound by any code of behavior, whether they realize this or not. Pride and independence of spirit lead many to deny the existence of a Deity who could and would reveal Himself to man.

Even those who accept a very loose definition of divinity may still seek and believe they have found a connection that includes prayer and answered petitions. Christians believe they were created in the image of their heavenly father and obtain the full rights as children when they believe that they are saved. The relationship with the creator of the universe who is at the same time a loving father is their reward here on earth.

The Bible makes it clear that God has both masculine and feminine characteristics, with the ability to beget as well as to birth. However, He is clearly portrayed as a father figure, not a mother. His son, Jesus, is an historical figure, a man who was also God. The Bible is the oldest document we have, the most accurate historical account (as testified by archaeological discoveries), and the most influential of all sacred literature.

Accepting God's personhood makes a real relationship possible. Once a believer confesses the need for a savior and accepts the restoration provided by the blood of Jesus, he or she becomes a child of God. Being a part of the family of God carries responsibilities, but the benefits far outweigh any cost.

The Bible is mankind's oldest and best documented spiritual book. Jesus is well established as a historical figure, and even His miracles and virgin birth are unquestioned by numerous ancient historians. People today can have an intimate relationship with a God of love and power, if they allow Him to reveal Himself as He chooses to do.

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