Friday, July 13, 2012

Getting The Most Mileage from Your Blog Posts

By James Steele

If you are working to make your business blog profitable, then you know how critically important your content is. If you wonder what else there may be to this, then you are right to wonder about that because there is more to the blog story. If you ever suspected that there is a secret - no, there are no secrets but there are many techniques you can use. You can engage in preparation and include tactics that all serve to give your blog posts more muscle. If all that piques your interest, then it should and here is how we will back that up.

Once you're done with your post and convinced with the content that you have written, read it out loud. Do both quiet reading and reading out loud, and see if you do not notice how different your post reads. This is a more thorough approach to proof reading, and you will discover your posts will be improved. Just do this for a few weeks, and then see how your readers react to your new posts. In order to get your post read, your headline needs to be able to stop them and generate interest. Look at what you do, you scan headlines just like we all do. Regardless of what steps you're taking to carve out your content, you have to make your title relevant to the body of your post. You will never write all your headlines in exactly the same way, or at least you should not.

As you grow your blog, you have to make sure that all your posts are in the best possible category for them as this is noticed by people. Your categories represent an important part of your blog navigation, and that is exactly why you need to pay attention to what you assign to them. When you are trying to do all you can to make a solid impression, then you must take this into account. If you are not sure about how to do this, then do your research and find out - it is easy. This is actually a very important aspect of your blog for a lot of reasons.

A call to action is a vital part of copywriting, and they are because they work; so start including them in your posts. Think about this - you can urge people to subscribe or click on a link, etc. We recommend you use most of them to get people engaged with you on your site with commenting. Ask people to tweet about the post, or there is always Facebook you can talk about, too.

Yes, blog posts are very important for the success of your blog, and as you have just read there is more to it. We have given you a solid start so you can be on your way to making your posts count. So think about the direction in which you want to take your blog, and then set about to work on it. If your blog has not been performing well, then now you know a bit more about what needs to be done.

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