Monday, January 28, 2019

For Training On Leadership Development NYC Workshops Are Highly Recommended

By Deborah Russell

Modern companies no longer have a strict top down structure where managers made all the decisions and those lower down in the structure simply followed order. Teamwork is at the order of the day and these days it is up to smaller teams to work as a unit in order to achieve very specific goals. Teams often have a certain measure of autonomy. Strong team leaders are necessary to make the concept work. With training on leadership development NYC companies strive to nurture these strong leaders.

It is still a common misconception that leaders are born, not made. It is true that certain individuals seem to be natural leaders. They find it easy to direct others and to take charge. However, everyone has the potential to be a leader. By developing certain characteristic and by eliminating others, individuals can develop into very competent leaders, able to coordinate the efforts of an entire team towards a common goal.

While they may have the potential, many people prefer not to take a leading role. They do not want the responsibility and they are perfectly fulfilled by performing the tasks that they are good at. There has to be people like that because not every role in a team is that of leader. Forcing someone to step into a role he does not want is almost always a very big mistake.

Employers nevertheless know that the success of their organizations depends upon having teams with strong leaders. These leaders have to be encouraged and developed. This is often done by nominating promising individuals for formal courses and programs. These courses can introduce them to those skills and habits typically found in effective leaders and will teach them how to master those skills and develop those habits.

Bot potential leaders must not only learn new skills and develop certain characteristics. They have to learn that they have shortcomings and that the only way in which to overcome them is to first acknowledge their existence. They also have to learn that they will inevitably be making mistakes but that all leaders make them. The secret is to learn from mistakes and to turn them into eventual triumphs.

There is a bewildering array of programs and courses aimed at developing leaders. Far too many of these are nothing but motivational in nature, lacking real substance. It is best to use institutions that have a good standing in this field and that employ acknowledged leaders as instructors and course designers. No reputable trainer will decline a request for valid and recent references.

Sending a promising leader on a formal course is an excellent step, but it should not stop there. Many prominent companies hire coaches to further nurture these leaders in the practical environment of the workplace where real decisions have to be made and real work performed. These coaches are not instructors, but rather guides that gently force their charges to examine their motives and the possible consequences whenever they act.

A common denominator among all highly successful companies is the fact that they are led by strong and often charismatic leaders. Developing promising leaders within the company should therefore be seen as a sound investment in the future. After all, it is the leaders that must show everyone else the path.

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