Monday, February 22, 2016

Prophetic Lives: They Touch Thousands

By Nole Baots

As I sit back and remember my childhood, I can always remember feeling different. Something inside of me wanted to become something great. I always had a spiritual side even before becoming a born again Christian. I can honestly say that my parents had no influence over my religious beliefs.

It is hard to say if I did anything to make myself prophetic. All that I know is that I always had this feeling inside of my heart to help people prophetically. It took years for me to perfect my prophetic abilities. I learned early on in my life that prophetic gifts grow in you with time. It is a hard life lesson to master.

Over time, I became a master at giving prophetic words to people. People would often call me in order to talk about their tough lives. Most people would call me because they had trouble in their love life or finances. These are the two most common topics that people want to discuss today. People are often less interested in their spiritual lives. In the ten years that I did prophetic words, I read for around 30,000 people.

I realize that I had a special prophetic gift when I was around 16. At that point in my life, I began giving people that I knew recorded tapes of prophecy that I received for them. I began a cassette tape prophetic ministry because I felt called to help people this way.

When you first become a prophetic minister, it is new and exciting. After years of doing it, you want to run away from people that ask you for a reading. The main reason is because everyone always wants to know the same thing. They always want to know about their love life and why they are still single. Married people often want to know why someone is cheating on them.

Living in the 21st century as a prophet is tough. Most people don't understand the inner pain that a prophet has to go through in order to find their own happiness and peace. Peace is often a part of a young prophet's life. As you get older, people often bombard you with questions that you are tired of hearing. After around 10 years of giving prophetic words, your spirit grows weary and tired of hearing the same old thing.

I always knew that I wanted to be in the ministry. I tried different aspects to Include: pastoral, evangelism and senior citizen ministries. None of those seemed to fulfill me like prophecy did. I knew inside of my heart that this is what God had in store for me.

Most prophets work on psychic hotlines today. Not many churches take care of prophetic ministers. If you feel called to give a prophecy to someone, make sure that you do it with love. If you read for to many people, you may start becoming angry and frustrated with your role as a prophet.

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