Monday, January 13, 2014

Corporate Plaques And Awards Do Not Determine Who You Are

By Marissa Velazquez

In our hyper competitive society, many people have begun to depend on outside recognition to bolster their sense of self-worth. Finding it difficult to feel adequate in life, they take comfort in things like corporate plaques and awards from their jobs, monetary recognition in the form of raises, and promotions or praise at work. While there is nothing wrong with wanting these things, it is dangerous to allow your identity to become tied up in them, because it can be very damaging if you do not get the recognition that you crave. Here are a few ways you can focus your attention elsewhere, and recognize other sources of joy in your life.

Journal About Your Experiences and Priorities

Journaling can be a wonderful tool for self-discovery. Taking the time to write just a paragraph a day can teach you so much about the things that are bothering you, the things that are important to you, and the patterns of your own emotions and frustrations. This can help you learn how to prioritize and to discover what brings you joy and what brings you stress. You may discover that you want to change your line of work altogether.

Spend Time In a Natural Setting

Standing in a forest or next to a lake can make you feel very small, and this can be helpful in gaining perspective. Even if you have not received the recognition you are seeking at work, being in the natural world will remind you that your job is just a tiny corner of a vast universe, and not the all-encompassing world that it can come to seem like on a daily basis.

Spend Time With Family and Friends

Recognition does not have to come from the workplace. If you do not feel appreciated by your superiors, turn to your family and your friends, who probably know you on a more complete level. They can help you to see aspects of yourself and your life that deserve praise, even if you have trouble seeing these things on your own. They can also help you to determine whether you want to or should stay in a job where you feel underappreciated.

Focus on Wellness

Physical wellness has a huge impact on the way you feel about yourself. When you do not get enough exercise or proper nutrition, it can lead to emotional problems such as depression. However, when you exercise regularly and fuel your body with the nutrients you need, you will feel more powerful and capable to handle things that come your way, at work or anywhere else.

While corporate plaques and awards can add to a strong self image, you must find your confidence in other places. If your entire self-image depends on outside recognition, you will inevitably wind up feeling inadequate at some point. But when you have techniques for boosting and maintaining your own confidence, you are not dependent on the whims of others for your self-worth. If you control your own confidence, it can remain stable despite whatever happens in the workplace.

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