Monday, September 10, 2018

Reputation Management Questions That Online Marketing Companies Answer

By Arthur Williams

How likely are you to buy a product if you don't see a good star rating? If it's anything below three stars, chances are that you will turn away and take your business elsewhere. This is one of the many situations where reputation management can come into play, as it can prove useful when administered by online marketing companies across the board. For a better understanding as to what rep management is all about, here are a few questions worth answering.

"First, what exactly is reputation management?" For those that don't know - and online marketing companies can expand on this further - reputation management is a service that entails the influencing of public perception. This is done by taking information that exists and correcting it. As reputable firms along the lines of fishbat will tell you, this is a process that has to be handled with care. Ergo, not everyone will be able to excel at it.

"Is marketing necessary in order to carry out reputation management?" Seeing as how reputation management is regarded as a marketing service in its own right, it will need others in order to be truly successful. SEO might be the most important, as it involves ranking for different search terms. What about social media, which can go a long way in improving one's stature among the public? With components like these, rep management will be done much easier.

"If I see a false review or report online, can I dispute it?" Depending on the site where said review or report is posted, you might be able to dispute or even have it removed. All you have to do is provide evidence that what's being said about you is untrue. From there, the site administrator will be able to take the necessary steps. If you see these types of postings about yourself, take a deep breath and know that you're not without options.

"Is it possible to get other negative links removed, too?" This might be a little more difficult to carry out, since not all sites have the same rules. Furthermore, if a true story is posted, there is little chance that the administrator of the site will help you. However, these stories can be pushed down in search rankings with the services discussed earlier. If it can't be seen on page one, it's almost like a link doesn't exist at all.

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