Monday, February 11, 2013

Find Out How Experienced Practitioners Astral Project

By Richard Taylor

Many people want to learn how to astral project. It is an ancient art going all the way back to the dawn of human history and perhaps even before. A lot of folks think of it as something strangely complex, but it is a much simpler concept than they expect. There are a handful of consistent way to achieve proper projection. It is practice by people from all over the world in a wide variety of religions and living situations. It is really quite a common practice, which is surprising to many.

Meditation is one of the best ways to get into this mindset. The best way to start is by focusing your attention on your breathing. Pay close attention to each breath as it moves in and out. Practice that technique until your mind becomes quiet. After you achieve that mental silence, start simple by imagining yourself elsewhere in the room. Progressively move further and further away from where you are. You will soon find yourself traveling all over the world and throughout spiritual realms.

You can also learn to control your dreams. That is called lucid dreaming. It is one of the best way to achieve a consistent method of astral projection. The world of dreams has been considered to be close to the spirit world for centuries. Writing down your dreams as a memory device is a good way to get started. As you become more aware of your dreaming process, you will be able to exercise more control. Eventually, you will be able to direct your dreams however you wish. Then you can use to to explore spiritual realms and send your mind anywhere you desire.

Practicing some rites can be of great assistance. The symbolism and ritual cultivates a powerful mindset and energy. By purifying and preparing yourself, you will find projection comes much more easily. Try out different styles to see what is most appealing to you.

Finding a qualified teacher can help you perfect your technique. They have many years of experience and can teach you the best way to astral project. A good instructor will give you the tools you need to achieve your goals. Their expertise can be invaluable if you run into some hurdles.

A lot of people think of projecting as a strange and esoteric skill limited to people living a religious life. However, that is not true. People from many religions and all walks of life practice spiritual project. It is nothing more than a tool that you can use to learn more about your inner world and explore the outer world. It is fine if you need to set boundaries to accommodate your comfort zones. Many people feel the need to draw a line for their own sense of safety. Still, try not to limit yourself too much. You do not want to exclude what could be a powerful and empowering experience.

There are many things available to you through projecting. Spiritual mentors may come to you. You could discover angels and their language. Past lives you have lived may be uncovered. There really is no limit to what you may find. Experts recommend writing out your desires and expectations for projection. This cultivates a mindset and mental framework that promotes the development of the projecting skill.

This is just a brief introduction. Take the time to learn about about projection and what it can do for you. With a little knowledge and practice, you will be able to astral project easily.

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