Saturday, July 9, 2016

Adding To Your Life By Subtracting From It

By Evan Sanders

It's time to erase. It's time to get rid of some things that don't serve you anymore.

The more you delete from your life the more you being to understand that maybe it's not all about addition. Maybe it's not about how many things we can tack onto our life but how we can erase all of the bad habits we have ever learned.

When you can get rid of all of the unnecessary things surrounding you which distract you from your true self, you become everything you were meant to be.

When you drop your fears, doubts, insecurities and judgements you give yourself the chance to live free of all of the things that were tacked onto your life without your permission. All of the added "extra" stuff drilled into us by society is unnecessary.

So what would happen if you could live freely of all of that?

For a while, you might feel pretty lost without all of those extra things in your life. But eventually, you would begin to understand what it would be like to have complete control over yourself.

Of course this transition will challenge you. That's the point. But through this challenge you will transition into something much more likely to turn you into something great.

The only time you have is now. Right now. There's no other time that you truly have access to. So while you may be thinking about trying this out in the future, you have to realize that there is no guarantee of a grand future.

If you can learn to subtract from your life to add to it, as scary as it might be, it will add so much value to your life.

When you can connect to the present moment, take away the nonessentials from your life, and learn to appreciate what you have, you are creating a life that is going to be full of happiness and love.

So live in a way that lets you become free.

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