Monday, June 24, 2013

Learn The 80/20 Rule And Watch Your Results Soar

By Lachlan Haynes

Don't be scared off by the name because the 80/20 rule is not about maths! It's actually about how a small amount of your actions each day are having a big impact on your results. The best part about the 80/20 rule is that if understand how it works you will also understand how it applies to you and then you can easily manipulate it to ensure you get great results! Sound good?

The 80/20 rule states that 80% of what we achieve is a direct result of 20% of the actions we take (it also applies to many other areas but they are not the focus of this article). In plain English, this means that only a very small amount of the actions we take each day create most of what we achieve (or don't achieve). The ratio does not have to be 80/20 - it may even be as high as 99/1 - but the point is simply that your major results (your 80%) are actually being dictated by a minority of your actions (your 20%).

It's not hard to understand how this rule applies to your life but let's look at a basic example which will apply to you to help you understand it. Let's think about your social life (hopefully you have one!) The reality is that you almost certainly spend 80% or more of your social time with 20% or less of the people you know. Think about it. Do you spend most of your time with a few close friends? Or you may spend 80% or more of your time sending texts, calling and chatting online with 20% or less of your contacts.

So, can we agree that 80% of what anyone achieves in life is a direct result of 20% or less of the actions they take? Good I'm glad we agree! But what's really important about this rule is how to use it to your advantage. You want to be able to exploit the rule and make it work for you don't you? So, the first tip is to focus only on the 20% areas that are impacting 80% of your results and then ignore everything else. Seems pretty obvious doesn't it? But only when you're aware of the rule.

Why? Well there is obviously no point focusing on the 80% of activities that is impacting only 20% of your results. That wouldn't make sense would it? That's totally backwards! Instead, you must address all the small areas that have the biggest impact and will maximize your performance. Do what counts. Don't worry about everything, just focus on those things that create the biggest results for you. So, what are the things that create the biggest results I hear you ask?

So which small areas are having the biggest impact on your results? Unfortunately it could be many things. For example, time management and a lack of organization are often cited as key problems. But for the point of this article let's focus on three areas that are most often cited as problematic (and are definitely 20% areas!)

Your habits are a key 20% area. Your habits dictate your thoughts and your actions. Bad habits lead to bad results. Good habits lead to good results. It really is that simple! If you have gotten yourself into poor habits then unfortunately you will get poor results. The good news is that by identifying the bad habits and then changing them you can completely transform your outcomes. Small area, massive impact!

The next most cited problem is motivation levels. With a lack of motivation comes a lack of action. So if you can't find a way to feel motivated it will have a significantly negative impact on your results. We all know how much we get done when we have no motivation - nothing! So again we can see that one small area (motivation) is greatly impacting on a big area (your results).

The next area is memory recall. If you can't remember data and information very well then unfortunately you are going to struggle to get top marks. Tests and exams become far less daunting when you have honed your memory recall ability - and they are terrifying when you haven't! You must be able to recall mountains of information in order to be successful because education tests memory as much as it tests knowledge. You would think they would have a subject called "memory" given how much focus there is on your memory recall ability! So again, we can see that a small area (your 20%) is impacting a huge part of your outcomes (your 80%).

Everyone (including you) has several small areas that are impacting the majority of their results. The most important thing for you to do is to identify what your areas are. Once you know what they are, focus hard on changing them because it is going to quickly improve your results and help you get better grades. Remember, you only need to change 2 or 3 areas in order to change your entire life so there really are no excuses. Good luck!

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