Wednesday, April 24, 2019

By Consulting A Medium San Diego Clients Believe That They Gain An Edge

By Catherine White

The recorded history of mankind has many examples of individuals that played prominent roles in their communities due to the special talents that they claimed to have. They were known as prophets, magicians, witches, healers and a wide variety of other names. Many of them yielded great power and influence. Modern society also has many active psychics that claim special abilities. By seeing a medium San Diego residents hope to gain special insight from beyond the earthly realm.

Psychics and their specialty, the paranormal, are and always has been a source of great controversy. Detractors are of the opinion that there is no paranormal realms and that psychics are con artists that convince gullible people to believe that they have a special insight and abilities. Of course, clients pay hefty fees to get access to this special insight. Psychics, the critics say, are frauds.

Apart from preying on gullible people, say the critics, psychics also cause people to make very poor decisions and to act to their own detriment. When this happens, the client will have no recourse because the psychic will simply deny any responsibility and intimate that the client either misunderstood the advice or failed to follow the instructions properly. This, say the critics, have caused many people great harm.

It does not seem as if the fierce criticism against them has any effect upon psychics, as their ever increasing popularity proves. Millions of people from all cultures regularly consult them and many top psychics count world leaders, top businessmen and celebrities under their clients. Their legitimacy is further underwritten by the many instances when they were asked by various police forces to assist in the solving of complex crimes.

Psychics argue that the criticism directed against them is based on ignorance. They say that respectable psychics will never claim that they can foresee the future, read the minds of other people, cast spells or mix potions. They have only one ability, they say, and that is to communicate with beings existing in other dimensions. The messages and advice that their clients receive are from these beings, not from the psychic.

Some psychics even go as far as to say that they never chose to be psychics at all. Instead, they were chosen to act as communication channels by superior beings from other realms. This is much like the prophets of old, they say, who were chosen, often against their will, by God to be their messengers to His people. Their role is to receive these messages and to make sure that they are delivered.

The fact remains that the paranormal field is not regulated in any way. Psychics do not have to train, they do not have to register anywhere and they do not have to be licensed. Dissatisfied clients will not be able to lodge a complaint anywhere. It is therefore good advice to be prudent when consulting a psychic and to use common sense before blindly following their advice.

It seems that many people refuse to believe that humans are the highest form of intelligence. They see the chaos in this modern world and need to believe that there are more powerful, wiser beings that will prevent a total catastrophe. By consulting psychics, they hope to make better decisions and to avoid mistakes.

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