Sunday, April 10, 2016

Why Is It So Hard To Tithe?

By Laurend David

Tithing is a battle of the heart, mind and soul. It is a battle because people are often concerned about their wealth and what happens with it. When someone doesn't tithe, they actually get less. You may have witnessed your car breaking down and having no money to fix it. Perhaps something else happened where you felt like your money was not in the right place. There is a lot of negative influence that happens when you don't tithe. Many spiritual believers say that they experience little success when they are not giving 10% of their money to the church.

Money is often hard to talk about for most people that don't have much of it. Tithing helps to keep your local church from going broke. Even though God has preachers, they need money to operate. God's people are responsible for funding the church and not having a heart that is full of greed for wanting something else. The gospel of Jesus Christ must be preached to every end of the earth before Jesus Christ returns. Christians that don't tithe are often said to lack faith that God will provide for you. Most people say that they cannot give 10% of their money to God each week. This is for a very good reason.

God often shows us that we have more than we think. He begins to open doors for us when we feel like all hope has been lost. I am the kind of person that likes to give. If I don't have money, I like to hold onto what I have. However, the Bible teaches the opposite. If you read the passage in the New Testament that says a woman poured an expensive bottle of perfume over Jesus' feet, you will see that she was poor. The apostles thought that she did something wrong and that it could have been sold for money to give to the poor. However, Jesus said that the woman had such strong faith.

Satan is the deceiver of this world. His will is to make you think that God doesn't love you or care for your needs. He is the master of having your life turned upside down. Most people that have financial difficulties blame God and often say that he doesn't provide enough for them. However, this is not true. The Bible says that God knows our needs and provides for us at his own will. God gives to us what he believes we need. God always shows us that there is something that we are failing to see. The Lord always shows us that there are new beginnings happening on a weekly basis.

Does protecting your finances mean that you are going to get rich from tithing? In actuality, it doesn't meant that you will be rich. In fact, most people that tithe live pay check to paycheck. It does however allow you to see that even when you have nothing left or a little bit of money, God still makes a way for you to survive. In today's age, many people are jobless and have little money coming in. It is amazing that people don't tithe. You have no spiritual protection over you from Satan completely destroying your finances. In my opinion, it is better to tithe and believe in the Bible. The Bible says that God will never abandon you.

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