Sunday, September 5, 2010

Creating Added Value

Value-Added Selling: How to Sell More Profitably, Confidently, and Professionally by Competing on Value, Not Price 3/eWhat does that mean Value Added?

You see, when your life, life is a plus. When everyone living, then life becomes the standard and no longer have value added.

Similarly, when we are honest then be added value. But when all the honest people honest is the standard value. In life we must have added value compared to others. We must create added value from something that does not exist.

Anything in this life, we must create added value. And when there is the added value we will become rich. As the definition of money itself, money is a medium of exchange value. When we want to get a lot of money then we must always ask: “What we have Added Value?”. When we managed to create more added value than others and the money will come after us.


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